By donating, you will help families make a truly informed decision. Your support will build an evidence-based education platform that could make a difference. Be part of an exciting cultural shift!

In our digital age, it is possible to make incredibly cheap (or even free) media using nothing more than an iPhone and a YouTube account. We respect and value that community production approach. But that isn’t the movie we made.

Our Director of Photography is an award-winning cameraman whose work has been featured nationally. Our computer graphics animator works for one of the finest digital creative studio in the entire region. Our illustrator created custom medical and historical drawings. Our original soundtrack was composed by humans, not computers, and was recorded with real live instruments. Our editor has carefully crafted every transition and layer to be seamless. And as producers, we are both licensed clinicians who understand how to read and interpret medical research. Everyone involved generously offered non-profit rates, and we are proud of a budget that is as frugal as possible, considering that we’ve hired the best people out there.

Please consider writing a check, as there are no merchant fees and your entire donation will go to the project. If you are planning to donate using a check:

Please make checks payable to:
The Midwife Media

And send to:
Emily Rumsey
ATTN: The Midwife Media
3901 Oakland Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55407

If you prefer using a credit or debit card, please use our PayPal donation link.


Please contribute what you can, and then spread the word….